













【呼びかけ人】大田昌秀(元沖縄県知事、沖縄平和研究所所長)、鳩山友紀夫(元内閣総理大臣東アジア共同体研究所理事長)、石川捷治(九州大学名誉教授)、石原昌家(沖縄国際大学名誉教授)、上里賢一(琉球大学名誉教授)、勝方(=稲福)恵子(元早稲田大学琉球沖縄研究センター所長)、江上能義(早稲田大学)、進藤榮一(筑波大学名誉教授)、高野 孟(ジャーナリスト)、仲地 博(沖縄大学学長)、比屋根照夫(琉球大学名誉教授)、前田哲男(軍事評論家)、孫崎 享(元外務省国際情報局長)、阿部浩己(神奈川大学教授)、新垣 毅(新聞記者)、新垣 誠(沖縄キリスト教学院大学)、東江日出郎(金沢大学准教授)、岩下明裕(大学教員)、池上大祐(琉球大学准教授)、上村英明恵泉女学園大学教授)、内海愛子(市民文化フォーラム共同代表)、越智信一郎(ピースボートスタッフ)、金平茂紀(ジャーナリスト)、木村 朗(鹿児島大学教授)、纐纈 厚(山口大学名誉教授)、島袋 純(琉球大学教授)、白井 聡(京都精華大学専任講師)、清水竹人(桜美林大学教授)、須藤義人(沖縄大学准教授)、高里鈴代(「基地・軍隊を許さない行動する女たちの会」共同代表)、高良鉄美(琉球大学教授)、高良沙哉(沖縄大学准教授)、玉城福子(沖縄大学沖縄国際大学非常勤講師)、玉城 愛(SEALDs琉球・学生)、千知岩正継(佐賀大学非常勤講師)、中村尚樹(ジャーナリスト)、成澤宗男(ジャーナリスト)、西岡由香(漫画家)、野平晋作(ピースボート共同代表)、羽場久美子(青山学院大学教授)原田太津男(龍谷大学教授)、藤村一郎(久留米大学非常勤講師)、前田 朗(東京造形大学教授)、松島泰勝龍谷大学教授)、元山仁士郎(SEALDs琉球・学生)、山口 泉(作家)、矢野秀喜(無防備地域宣言運動全国ネットワーク)、屋良朝博(ジャーナリスト)、与那嶺功(新聞記者)、与那覇恵子(名桜大学教授)、渡辺豪(ジャーナリスト)


Statement by the Academic Society of the East Asian Community 

and Okinawa( the Ryukyus )


<A prospectus>

 Hatoyama’s Democratic Party Administration, which emerged after the national election in the summer of 2009, announced that it would take on the task of “establishing an East Asian Community” that valued Asia as a new contributor to an initiative for economic order, peace, and cooperation. This idea was explicated in five foreign policy agendas as the establishment of an “equal partnership with the United States.” In addition, the administration pressed forward a series of policies to materialize the initiative, including the establishment of a tripartite secretariat of Japan, China, and South Korea, and the formulation of a comprehensive plan for the development of Asia. Moreover, Prime Minister Hatoyama set a goal to relocate an airbase in Futenma outside of Okinawa, or if possible, outside of Japan. However, the attempt ended in failure and his administration returned to a former plan of relocating Futenma Airbase to the Henoko District; a plan which was drafted by the former Liberal Democratic Party after succumbing to pressure from inside and outside of Japan. There remains some speculations that some   maneuvering behind the scenes may have occurred with officials from the United States. The U.S. government reacted sharply against the East Asian Community Initiative and related arguments from the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty for a reduction of the U.S. military presence in Okinawa. Opposition soon followed from pro-military interests encompassing a network of individuals in politics, government administration, business, education, and journalism with ties to the military establishment. The political outcome has been devastating—resulting in the resignation of Prime Minister Hatoyama after nine months in office and a decade of stagnation in the issue of relocating Futenma Airbase.


The problem that “Okinawa is structurally discriminated by the Japanese government and people” has become more evident since the resignation of Prime Minister Hatoyama. Soon after Takeshi Onaga won the gubernatorial election in Okinawa and expressed the message that Okinawans should be united by their “ identity rather than ideology” Governor Onaga has had to confront fierce opposition and pressure from the Abe Administration which has forced the construction of a new base in Henoko and helipads in the Takae District. 


The East Asian Community Initiative presupposes the realization of a regional model based on the EU for the integration of East Asia, and embraces the future prospect of a review for the abolishment of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. It will surely lead to a fundamental review of the current asymmetric master-slave relationship between Japan and the U.S., essentially based on voluntary subordination on the part of the former. 


In East Asia today, military tensions have been rising in the form of military expansion by China and North Korea against a perceived threat posed by the U.S., Japan, and South Korea.  Meanwhile, there is a deepening trend of economic interdependence among Asian countries with China stimulating recent growth. 


In the current political climate, Okinawa seems to hold the key for the establishment of peace in East Asia. It is critical to transform Okinawa from  its past as the "military keystone" to that of the "keystone of peace", and to make it a haven for the integration and solidarity of nations in the region in the pursuit of the realization of an East Asian Community. Okinawa  recognizes how precious the idea of “symbiosis” is, because of its past experiences. Okinawa was one area in Asia that had tragically suffered much during the Pacific War and was forced to be put under U.S. military occupation for the next 27 years. The U.S. military government of Okinawa was marked with authoritarian policies that resulted in the deprivation of land and property, infringement of human rights, and the neglect of democracy for the Okinawan people. 


Meanwhile, postwar-Japan acted as if it had forgotten its recent history of having inflicted destruction and suffering in the Asia-Pacific region, and as it continued to inflict an excessive burden on Okinawa by exercising systematic discrimination with its policies. Now is the time for Japan to decolonize herself from the U. S. and to overcome colonialism within herself. 


Under the Abe Administration, the government of Japan has taken measures to restrict the freedom of speech and suppress human rights, and continues to head toward the same path as in its past by becoming “a country that can wage war.”  Changing the constitution and abandoning safeguards of peace  through a “Kaiken coup d’état” will destroy the existing constitutional order. In the midst of such fascism-like actions, we must strive to remember to never turn East Asian countries, including Okinawa, Japan, and Korea into battlefields again. 


This society has three objectives. The first is to achieve the genuine independence of Japan which has continued to be dependent on the U.S. under the so-called “Eizoku-Haisen-Kouzou (the postwar regime),” a persistent structure of the Japan-U.S. relationship that is based on the defeat of Japan in the Pacific War.  The second is to deepen the discussion of the East Asian Community Initiative to establish peace and to protect human rights in this region. And the last is to study from various perspectives, how Okinawa, (forcibly put under dual colonial rule and remaining at the mercy of the Japanese and U.S. governments), will be able to exercise the right of self-determination including the right to be independent from Japan.


September 11th 2016 at the University of the Ryukyus




 Masahide Ota (Former governor of Okinawa and the president of Okinawa International Peace Research Institute), Yukio Hatoyama (Former prime minister of Japan and the president of East Asian Community Institute), Shoji Ishikawa (Emeritus professor of Kyushu University), Masaie Ishihara (Emeritus professor of Okinawa International University), Kenichi Uezato (Emeritus professor of University of the Ryukyus), Keiko Katsukata (Inafuku) (Former president of Waseda University Ryukyu-Okinawa Study Center), Takayoshi Egami (Professor at Waseda University), Eiichi Shindo (Emeritus professor of Tsukuba University), Hajime Takano (Journalist), Hiroshi Nakachi (President of Okinawa University), Teruo Hiyane (Emeritus professor of University of the Ryukyus), Tetsuo Maeda (Military commentator), Ukeru Magosaki (Former Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Information Bureau), Kohki Abe (Professor at Kanagawa University), Tsuyoshi Arakaki (Journalist), Makoto Arakaki (Okinawa Christian University), Hideo Agarie (Associate Professor at Kanazawa University), Akihiro Iwashita (University faculty member), Daisuke Ikegami (Associate professor at University of the Ryukyus), Hideaki Uemura (Professor at Keisen University), Aiko Utsumi (Co-Representative of Civic and Cultural Forum), Shinichiro Ochi (Staff of PEACE BOAT), Shigeki Kanehira (Journalist), Akira Kimura (Professor at Kagoshima University), Atsushi Koketsu (Emeritus professor of Yamaguchi University), Jun Shimabukuro (Professor at University of the Ryukyus), Satoshi Shirai (Lecturer at Kyoto Seika University), Taketo Shimizu (Professor at J.F. Oberlin University), Yoshihito Sudo (Associate professor at Okinawa University), Suzuyo Takasato (Co-Representative of Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence), Tetsumi Takara (Professor at University of the Ryukyus), Sachika Takara (Associate professor at Okinawa University), Fukuko Tamaki (Lecturer at Okinawa University), Ai Tamaki (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracys, Ryukyu), Masatsugu Chijiiwa (Adjunct Lecturer at Saga University), Hisaki Nakamura (Journalist), Muneo Narisawa (Journalist), Yuka Nishioka (Comic artist), Shinsaku Nohira (Co-representative of PEACE BOAT), Tatsuo Harada (Professor at Ryukoku University), Ichiro Fujimura (Lecturer at Kurume University), Akira Maeda (Professor at Tokyo Zokei University), Yasukatsu Matsushima (Professor at Ryukoku University), Jinshiro Motoyama (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracys, Ryukyu), Izumi Yamaguchi (Writer), Hideki Yano (Nationwide Network for Unprotected Area Declaration Movement), Tomohiro Yara (Journalist), Isao Yonamine (Journalist), Keiko Yonaha (Professor at Meio University), Tsuyoshi Watanabe (Journalist).

第2回 公開シンポジウム「東アジア共同体と沖縄の未来」(2016年10月22日、東京開催)




期 日:2016年10月22日(土)14:00~17:00(開場13:30)

会 場:神奈川大学横浜キャンパス3号館305教室(横浜市神奈川区六角橋3-27-1)

参加費(資料代として):300円(非会員のみ) ※事前申し込みは不要です。




       司会者:木村 朗(鹿児島大学

Ⅰ 顧問からの開会のご挨拶(14:10~14:25)※15分



Ⅱ 研究者からの提言(14:30~16:00)








(3)前田  朗(東京造形大学


~ 休 憩 ~


Ⅲ 質疑討論(16:10~17:00)※15分

討論者 石山永一郎(共同通信編集員)


フロアから      ※35分


Ⅳ 顧問からの閉会のご挨拶※10分
































入会申込書.xlsx - Google ドライブ













  店名:七〇八 店番:708

  番号:普通 1824804


東アジア共同体・沖縄(琉球)研究会事務局 連絡先◆

【E-mail】 east.asian.community.okinawa★gmail.com(★を@に変えてください)

【住所】903-0213 沖縄県中頭郡西原町字千原1

    琉球大学法文学部 池上大祐研究室気付
